Dropping the Labels

Dropping the Labels

A little about me and why I’ve decided to start Healing in Heels.  I’m a work in progress, a spiritual being having a human experience, attempting to live fearless-on the daily. 

I know that having a connection with the universe and spirit brings me joy, balance and seemingly endless opportunities that usually involve growth and evolution.  Having said that, I also believe that you can share your life with Buddha and a Benz. In other words, just because you love spirit, it doesn’t mean you have to live under specific labels. For example, to be a spiritual individual do you have to attend traditional church a few times a week? Or how about if you believe that being spiritual is healing-do you need to wear chunky turquoise, dress like Stevie Nicks and let your roots grow in? I sure hope not because I am 5’1 and a tailored look is much more flattering. I love learning about energy, the universe, and yes…gasp… God.  All while enjoying shopping, Real Housewives, having cocktails and brunch and making some awkwardly impulsive decisions along the way.  

So let’s circle back to the G-word. Here’s the deal, words matter, we give them power. Certain words elicit emotional reactions and can often be a huge turn-off.  For some, the word God can bring joy and warm feelings, and for others, it might represent a restrictive experience of being forced to go to church all day on Sunday. When I was a teenager in Southern California, we would go out to the movies to hang out, and we would have to run from the Born Again Christians because we felt like they were going to corner us and make us listen to them preach all evening. If the Jehovah Witnesses came to our door, I was told not to answer, and the one time I did, my aunt came up behind me and slammed the door in their faces. Needless to say, I was not forced to attend church on a regular basis, and quite frankly the entire church thing made me uncomfortable, I can’t imagine why?  

God, I AM Presence, the universe, source energy, spirit, holy spirit, higher self, angels, you can call it banana pound cake if you like, but it all comes back to meaning that a higher being, energy or connection.  

I have some true atheist friends. When I say they don’t believe in God, that’s an understatement; they come for God. They challenge God to BRING IT like a cheerleader competition or a dance off.   I try to use other words with them to soften the blow and avoid the theoretical argument. What’s always interesting to me when they do argue is that they always want evidence and proof. Of note, they all  believe in aliens.  

So now that we got out of the way I have something for you to think about, what is ruling you in your life? Because I promise you it’s something. When I disconnect from my practice, I find that I am now ruled by things outside of myself. For example, carbs, relationships, my career, or drama most of the time not even my OWN drama. The thing is, these areas outside of yourself are like eating empty calories and trying to run a marathon, something I’ve never attempted, but it seems like a poor decision. Or a better example, trying to concentrate at work and getting that extremely uncomfortable feeling waiting for someone your into to text you back. You start feeling sad, thinking something is up, all the fear-based thoughts come in a rush and then… DING… Oh, everything is great again! Repeat, repeat, repeat…. Add a carb addiction to the mix, and you find yourself chasing the carb dragon maaaaaaaannnnn.  You know that bagel you chased with an iced mocha the other day was the best ever, so you repeat and now it just feels like shit.  It might be time to stop, drop, and roll into some self-awareness and consider dipping your toe into the spiritual hot tub. There are plenty of gateway drugs for this world-I’ve tried them all, and I’m addicted. I will post some recommendations and links soon-be on the lookout. Until then, try starting with gratitude. It’s easy-what are you thankful for TODAY, in this moment? Thank your banana pound cake and see how you feel and what may show up in your life to encourage you that you are on to something great!  

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